
Runs SPDisposeChecker analysis tool to search for memory leaks. Attention: SPDisposeChecker is currently known to ingore violations in SharePoint 2013 project.


SPDisposeCheck has to be downloaded and installed separately and can be retrieved from http://archive.msdn.microsoft.com/SPDisposeCheck.
Attention: SPDisposeChecker is currently known to ingore violations in SharePoint 2013 project. Therefore all rules have been implemented as custom rules for SPCop in the category "Memory Disposal".

How is SPDisposeCheck integrated

During analysis all assemblies from the WSPs are analyzed with SPDisposeCheck


Rule Description Type Severity
DIS400201: Assembly should contain no problems which are detected with SPDisposeCheck The assembly will be checked with Microsoft SPDisposeCheck for potential memory leaks (if the tool is installed) AssemblyFileReference CriticalWarning
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